Gasoline quality began to decline dramatically toward the end of the last century.Gasoline shortages spawned new refining techniques that have given us broad spectrum fuel blends.Gasoline has always been a blend of the octane band plus other hydrocarbon fractions that were near the octane band.
Not only did crude oil sources begin to decline in quality, but new refining techniques allowed more of the crude to be made into gasoline, up to 80% in some cases.When the federal government mandated that lead could no longer be used in gasoline, the refiners began to blend in more light hydrocarbons to try to keep octane ratings high enough to match equipment requirements.More recently, the use of oxy-fuels has continued to compound the problems involved with operating a gasoline fleet.
The problems caused by today’s gasolines are usually associated with the lack of stability inherent in broad spectrum cracking.These problems include the formation of lacquer and varnish in fuel systems and injectors. The additional problem of increased intake valve deposits can also be related to the premature oxidation of unstable gasolines.Intake valve deposits are also formed from oxy-fuel components such as alcohols, butanes, and MTBE.
BG Products, Inc.has dedicated itself to providing preventive maintenance products that correspond to the fuel and equipment problems that face today’s fleet operator.Listed below are the components (and their functions) of BG Supercharge Multi-Functional Gasoline Treatment.
- Oxidation inhibitors help stabilize gasolines to prevent the formation of varnishes, resins, and other oxy-materials that gum up fuel systems.
- Detergents clean existing deposits in a fuel system, including fuel injectors.
- Deposit modifiers remove deposits from valves and piston crowns.This helps maximize performance and mileage by insuring that intake flows are as they were designed by the manufacturer.Keeping piston crowns clean reduces artificial octane requirement increase and eliminates the need for premium fuel.
- Special heat stable lubricants help reduce the adverse affects of dry unleaded gasolines and the very dry oxygenated gasolines.
- Corrosion Inhibitors prevent premature fuel pump failure due to corrosion build-up on submerged electronic fuel pumps.
- Biocides are blended (when necessary) to kill microbial growth, which contaminates fuel and clogs filters. (This is done for a nominal one-time additional cost.)
Lubrication Specialists, Inc. warrants that, after ninety days on our Gasoline Preventive Maintenance Fuel Program, we will clean any fouled injector.Materials and on-sight labor will be provided at no charge.
The obvious benefits of clean engines and fuel systems, which are free of deposits and contaminants are that they will run cleaner, meaning reduced emissions and more efficient operation.This includes proven increases in fuel mileage.
Program Includes:
- Test tanks for water every six months. (Note: Continual reappearance of water may require further recommendations.)
- Test tanks for microbial growth annually.
- Test diesel fuel cloud point and pour point annually to assure winter performance diesel fuel.
- Maintain exact oxidation stability of the fuel using BG Gasoline Treatment and BG Diesel Fuel Conditioner.
- Specific gravity and oxidation stability testing.
- Educational seminars on current fuel trends.
Benefits of Fuel Maintenance Program using BG Gasoline Treatment and BG Diesel Fuel Conditioner:
- Guaranteed kill of microbial growth, which contaminates fuel and clogs filters.(This is done for a nominal one-time additional cost.)
- Corrosion inhibitors to protect tank, lines, pumps and injectors.
- Storage stability of fuel.
- Combustion deposit control to extend service life of fleet and maximize fuel economy.
- Decreased fuel-related down time.
- Increased fuel economy due to a clean fuel system in each vehicle.
- Lower pour point on diesel fuel to insure the fleet continues to operate in sub-freezing weather.(This treatment is only used during the winter months.)
- Oxidation stabilization of fuel to prevent fuel injection deposits and intake valve deposits.Lubrication agents to replace lost lubricity due to low sulfur diesel fuel.